Blurred display of TightGate-Pro under Windows

Under Windows, the display of TightGate-Pro may be distorted on devices with a high DPI display. The problem is caused by automatic scaling under Windows. As the Windows operating system cannot scale the content of the TightGate-Viewernatively, the pixels are simply scaled, which causes the distorted display.

The solution:
To rectify the distorted display under Windows, the scaling of the display should be carried out by TightGate-Viewer and not the Windows operating system. To set this, please proceed as follows:

  1. Close the TightGate-Viewer.
  2. Right-click on the application name (vncviewer.exe) in Explorer or in the Start menu or right-click on the desktop icon Internet. Select Properties and select the tab Compatibility tab and then select Change high DPI settings from.
  3. Activate the checkbox Override behaviour with high DPI scaling checkbox and make sure that the scaling is set by the application is performed by the application.
  4. Log in again at TightGate-Viewer, the distortion should no longer occur.