Import and delete users via CSV list

TightGate-Pro can import or delete users from predefined lists. Various characteristics can be transferred to the users. The import function is only suitable for transferring data for new user accounts. Characteristics of existing user accounts cannot be changed via the list import.

  • Provide specification-compliant list with user details (cf. section Specification of the list for the import)
  • Deposit the list via file lock with the administrator config in the directory /home/config/transfer. For CC systems, transfer as user transfer .
  • Logging on to TightGate-Pro as administrator maint and selecting User administration > Import user.
  • Select the CSV file from which the user details are to be imported. The user details are imported. New user accounts are created. After the import is completed, a summary of imported user data, non-imported user data and errors that occurred is displayed.
  • From now on, all imported users are automatically available in a newly created group in order to be able to change individual attributes. The name of the group is: import[date in the form YYYYMMDD][time in the form SSMM]

If the CSV file contains invalid values in the attributes (e.g. audio=2), these are ignored during import and the system defaults of the administrator config from the user defaults are used instead.

All changes take effect immediately after the import. New users can log in immediately. In cluster systems, a waiting time of up to 10 minutes may be required until the user accounts have been distributed to all nodes.

This is how it works:

  • Provide specification-compliant list with user details (cf. sec. Specification of the list for deletion)
  • Deposit the list via file lock with the administrator config in the directory /home/config/transfer. For CC systems, transfer as user transfer .
  • Logging on to TightGate-Pro as administrator maint and selecting User administration > Delete user > Show CSV user.
  • Selecting the CSV file from which to read the user IDs to be deleted.
  • A list of all identifiers recognised in the CSV file and existing on TightGate-Pro is displayed.
  • Individual or all identifiers can now be selected. After selecting and confirming the identifiers to be deleted, a summary of all identifiers to be deleted is displayed on the screen. If the selection is confirmed, the identifiers are deleted.

A list for user import into TightGate-Pro must meet the following requirements:

  • The CSV file must have the extension .csv.
  • Separator of the fields in the CSV file is the semicolon (;)
  • Character string, e.g. names, in the CSV file can be delimited by inverted commas (""), numerical values are always specified without inverted commas
  • The CSV file must not contain a table heading
  • If no password is specified in the list, the newly created user has a deactivated password.
  • No umlauts (öäüß), special characters (,.-;:'`') or spaces are allowed in the CSV file . The underscore "_" is an exception. (Addition: In plain names (column 2) umlauts are allowed, but no special characters or spaces (see above). If an invalid character is used, the user name (column 1) is used instead of the plain name).

The CSV file has the following schematic structure:

Filtered WebSoundIntermediate-
ProfilePrivilegedPrintMax. File sizeAuto-

= leave empty
= deactivated
0 = from
1 = to
0 = filtered
1 = unfiltered
0 = from
1 = to
0 = from
1 = to
0 = Standard
3 = Custom
0 = no
1 = Yes
0 = no
1 = Yes
0 = up to 4GB xml-ph-0032@deepl.inter

A line from a CSV file could therefore look like this:

"eka1";"Erika Mustermann";"geheim";0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0

or without inverted commas

eka1;Erika Mustermann;geheim;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0

All settings regarding the menu defaults are automatically taken from the administrator's default settings Config . A change is only possible subsequently via the user administration.

Only new users are imported on the basis of the user name. Values of existing user accounts are skipped and neither updated nor changed. After the import, a summary with result balance is displayed on the screen.

A list for deleting user IDs on TightGate-Pro must meet the following requirements:

  • The CSV file must have the extension .csv.
  • The separator of the fields in the CSV file is the semicolon (;).
  • It is only necessary to fill in the first column.
  • The character string in the CSV file must not be delimited by inverted commas ("")
  • The CSV file must not contain a table heading.

A CSV file for deleting the user IDs eka1 and test2 would therefore look like this:
